Empowering Portrait by Lunar Studio

Debbie Fugate Clawson

Can you tell me what led to your diagnose and what was the beginning of your journey like?

After my recent mammogram, the radiologist called me in as he noticed some areas that were a concern. I was sent for a biopsy and it was confirmed that I had breast cancer. It was a true shock to me as I guess that I never thought something like this would happen to me. Who does?

What do you wish you knew before starting your treatment?

I had no other choice but to have a massectomy. My cancer was only in one breast but I chose to have both removed. I did alot of research, trying to be prepared for how my body would look like afterwards as I chose not to have reconstruction done. No research in the world can prepare a woman for how she looks afterwards.

What was your biggest self-discovery or revelation after you were diagnosed?

My biggest discovery is that I am still a woman. Breasts do not confine that woman that you are. I have learnt to embrace my new body as best as I can.

What advice would you give on how to best support a loved one going through breast cancer?

My best advice for anyone going through breast cancer is to keep your faith strong. This is not the end of the world. There is so much more living to do.

Is there a resource, local or otherwise, that you recommend for those who are either going through breast cancer or are in recovery?

I would suggest that you find a social media group of women that have gone through or still going through breast cancer. It helps alot to know that we are not alone.

Is there anything else you would like for women undergoing breast cancer to know?

Hold your head up high and continue to walk this road we call life. And please tell every woman you know to get her yearly mammograms.

Nomination Section

Once per month, we select one of your nominations for a complimentary Empowering Portrait.
This project aims to capture their strength and to let other women facing the same journey
know they are not alone.